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Best Shabu-shabu Restaurants in Wugu District

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A photo of 菊芊會館 restaurant
Price: Expensive
• Shabu-shabu • Taishan District
【營業時間】午餐 11:00~15:00(最後出餐時間為13:30)晚餐 17:00~22:00(最後出餐時間為20:00)*線上訂位恕不指定包廂,若有特殊需求或客製菜色、15人以上請來電洽詢。*本店有販售酒水,若有自備酒水之需求,將酌收NT$500+10%之清潔費用。*為考量食品安全,請勿攜帶外食至餐廳內享用。*為優先保留包廂及準備您預訂的食材,本店將預先向您收取訂金。如逾期未付且無通知者,本店將有權取消您的訂位。官方網站: https://reurl.cc/Kbdky9Line: @47109987
A photo of 柒柒石頭火鍋 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Shabu-shabu • Luzhou District
Booked 2 times today
歡迎來到心心餐飲-柒柒石頭火鍋 線上訂位系統營業時間:11:30~22:00(每日最後入場20:30)*自助吧到 21:15 結束* 門市資訊:🏠地址:新北市蘆洲區長安街77號☎️電話:02-2288-9477 ⚠️重要公告⚠️訂位需知:🌟位子無法指定,會依現場訂位狀況去做安排!🌟3人以下之訂位(包含3位)會依現場狀況與其他人併桌!🌟6人以上之訂位,請改採用電話預約。🌟訂位無緩衝時間,遲到視同取消,請共同維護大家的權益。🌟若有浪費食材酌收每人100元清潔費。🌟寵物請攜帶寵物籃or推車,寵物不落地,嚴禁一同帶著去自助吧區、禁止餵食店內產品。消費方式:✅本店不另收取服務費✅平日午餐:$39911:30~16:00✅平日晚餐&例假日全天:$469✅颱風假/補班遇假日全天 : $469✅兒童身高100~140公分半價✅80~100公分酌收50元清潔費✅用餐時間為90分鐘(自訂位時間算起)✅僅收現金無提供刷卡服務
A photo of 詹記麻辣火鍋 新莊總店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Shabu-shabu • Taishan District
**Chan** **Chi** **Hot** **Pots** **Lab.** **Xinzhuang** **Restaurant** **Online** **Reservation** **Site**● **Reservation**1. Reserve from 5p.m. on the first day of month for availabilities before the end of the following month. Ex: Reserve on Jun.2 for Jul.31.If the restaurant is closed on the first day of the month, reservations are available from 00:00.2. Online Reservation OnlyOn-site reservation or reservation via phone are not available.3. If online reservations are not available for your chosen dining time, you may queue for the tables the restaurant reserves for on-site guests. Waiting time may vary.4. One phone number per reservationPlease register a different mobile phone number for another reservation.5. Guests are guided to their assigned seat.6. Group Reservations:(a)10~20 guests: At least two different phone numbers are needed for on-line group reservations. Please inform us in advance via phone or website if you need us to combine our tables.(b)Call us for reservation if there are more than 21 guests. Deposit should be paid 7 days in advance.7. For further inquiries, please contact: (02)2998-2794● **Business** **Hours** **&** **Reservations**1.5 p.m. to 1a.m.※We do not receive guests after 00:00※Last order: 00:20※Closed on Mondays※The restaurant is not open during Chinese New Year vacation. (New Year’s Eve to 5th day of CNY)2. Available Time for Reservations(1)Weekdays: 17:00、18:00、20:00、22:00(2)Weekends and Holidays: 17:30、19:30、21:30● **Takeout**Open for takeout from 17:00 to 00:30.1. Limited availability. In-store pickup only.2. No appointments for takeout.3. No delivery service.4. We are not open from 14:30 to17:00 on Wednesdays in the first and last week of the month.※ Rules for takeout services on special holidays can be found on our Facebook page, subject to change.● **Dining** **Rules:**1. Dining time: 120 minutes2. Reservations expire after ten minutes with no further notice.3. 500NT per table to bring your own alcohol.4. Only semi-vegetarian broth available.5. No pets allowed, except for guide dogs.6. No outside food or beverages allowed, except for cakes.● **Payment** **choices**1‭.‬ Cash/Credit cards‭/ ‬Third-party payments‭(‬Apple Pay,‭ ‬Android‭ ‬Pay,‭ ‬Samsung Pay‭)‬2‭.‬ We do not take part in credit card campaigns‭.● **Access**1.No restaurant parking lot. Parking lots nearby are:Parking lot by New Taipei Xinzhunag Gymnasium.(5 to 10 mins walk).Parking lot by Aso Shoes (5 mins walk).2.Public transportation:buses:299、99 (Hsintai Rd intersection or Materials Testing Lab)MRT:Hsinchuang Sta. Exit 1 (10 mins walk)●**Additional** **info:**1. Ingredients of the broth (1)Clear broth: pork bone and kelp (2)Spicy broth: Sichuan pepper, mixed chili powder, chili sauce, sesame oil. Contains no animal fat.2. Can pregnant women eat spicy hotpots?Our broth does not contain ginseng or saffron, which is generally considered safe for pregnant women. We still suggest that guests consult their doctors before making reservations.3. Allergy information:(1) Spicy broth: soybean, sesame, broad bean(2) Pork bone broth: does not contain soybean, sesame or broad beans. (Please contact the restaurant for allergy information regarding hotpot ingredients.)
A photo of 吉哆火鍋百匯 GIDO HOT POT restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Shabu-shabu • Banqiao District
Booked 1 time today
歡迎來到‭‬~‬吉哆火鍋百匯‭ ‬線上訂位系統‬【吉哆火鍋百匯 價格調整公告】感謝大家長久以來的支持與愛護,由於各種食材成本不斷上漲,為維持餐點的美味與品質,將於2025/2/15(六)起,調整收費價格,我們會持續以熱忱的心,為您服務,造成不便之處,敬請見諒!●訂位系統開放30天內的訂位如遇網路訂位額滿,或訂不到您要的時段,我們仍有保留空桌,您可以〈現場候位〉,等候時間視當日現場狀況當日入席桌位不開放指定,須依現場桌面狀況而定,訂位成功後,當日於現場須依工作人員指引入席。價格如有異動 請依現場公告為主●開放訂位時段平日11:00、11:30、14:00、17:30、18:00、18:30、19:00、20:00‬假日11:00、11:30、14:00、17:30、18:00、19:30、21:00●內用消費規則1‭.‬ 用餐限時120分鐘‬2‭.‬ 訂位保留10分鐘,如逾時則取消位子不再另行通知‬3‭.‬ 餐廳酌收10%服務費‬4‭.‬ 餐廳不可攜帶寵物(除導盲犬)‬5‭. ‬餐廳不可攜帶外食及飲料‬6‭. 最後收客時間:平日21:00/假日22:00●收費方式平日午餐(16:00前)$569/晚餐(16:00後)$619假日全時段$659小孩120-150公分: $329幼童100-120公分: $120敬老75歲以上: $389※價格如有異動 請依現場公告為主※●付款方式現金、信用卡(無第三方支付) ●交通1‭.‬ 餐廳特約停車場─松江江翠停車場,用餐可免費停車2小時‬2‭.‬ 大眾運輸可搭乘:‬‬公車:231、793、藍31、藍33捷運:江子翠站2號出口
A photo of 新千葉火鍋 西門尊爵館 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Shabu-shabu • Wanhua District
Booked 4 times today
A photo of 和牛涮 日式鍋物放題 板橋文化店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Shabu-shabu • Banqiao District
Booked 1 time today
嚴選美澳極上和牛 和牛涮日式鍋物放題,提供和牛炙燒壽司、極上和牛涮煮、和牛黑咖哩飯,搭配超過70種美味無限量供應,讓您享受暢快的和牛饗宴~
A photo of 浮島蒔鍋 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Shabu-shabu • Linkou District
Booked 3 times today
**浮島蒔鍋 Maku Hotpot**以鍋物料理為主軸延伸多國文化創意飲食料理,這裡將以純粹食材無加工製品來定義次世代火鍋飲食文化。店鋪設計延續極簡風格與彈性空間規劃,我們創造了十二公尺大跨距無際桌面與桁架構築立面 93%日本檜木使用。白色、光線、木質,感受閑適溫暖的沉靜,美食、空間、藝術、設計、質感生活俱並呈現。以悠閒自在的生活態度打造 Söt Café 的品牌精神。浮島 - 我們創造品味藝術融合的木質圍建空間與氛圍結構,提供獨有特色的歐陸料理餐食與咖啡甜點。Söt = Sweet in swedish咖啡萃取分段呈現酸、甜、苦的味覺我們將最爲人接受的中段甜味精神放大融入北歐品味生活的態度打造 Söt Café 的品牌精神。沒有人是一座孤島,當海水退去將發現島與島之間彼此脈絡的相互連結。我們將島嶼浮上,讓人與人之間的交錯網絡具體具象,彼此無私互助以成就志業。【營業時間】11:30 - 15:00 / 】17:00 - 21:00 (最後點餐時間 19:30) / 週一公休【注意事項】▲訂位為您保留 10 分鐘,如逾時將視現場狀況重新安排座位。▲用餐時間滿座時兩小時,如無人候位用餐時間不受此限制。▲訂位系統僅接受 30 日內之六人訂位,如六人以上或特殊日期與活動請來電詢問。▲依現場人員安排入席,恕無法指定座位。▲歡迎攜帶寵物入店不落地,需置放於寵物提籠或推車。▲現場禁止商業與任何影響其他客人之拍攝行為。▲因不可抗拒之因素或意外,將保留取消或更改預約之權利。
A photo of 尬鍋 台北西門店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Shabu-shabu • Wanhua District
Booked 3 times today
A photo of 瘋一鍋 宏匯廣場店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Shabu-shabu • Taishan District
【活動公告】2025/03/01-2025/05/01期間限定販售,👨‍🍳主廚限定特色鍋:胡椒酸菜豬肚雞套餐🍲【訂位注意事項】1.目前開放「30天內」的訂位,訂位【保留10分鐘】,請準時或提前至櫃檯報到。2.可接受 1-6 位訂位,超過 6 人以上訂位或特殊活動,請來電預約由專人服務。3.訂位座位安排皆由現場桌況安排(亦有可能採併桌方式安排)。4.訂位時間請準時或提前至櫃檯報到,若需更改訂位時間或人數,請提前來電告知,以免座位優先禮讓於現場客人(餐廳將保留取消或更改預約的權利)。5.訂位完成後,若需調整人數或是更改用餐時間請撥打電話至門市確認。6.本餐廳保留條款內容變更與解釋、暫停或終止本線上訂位之權利。【用餐計費方式】●服務費10%另計●店內用餐時間為100分鐘,以訂位時間或是第一人進場時間開始計算●一人一鍋如需共鍋,一人酌收共鍋費200元(單點如達低銷200元可折抵)●國小(含)以上或120公分以上兒童,一人酌收共鍋費200元(單點如達低銷200元可折抵)
A photo of 桐采 TC Shabu restaurant
Price: Expensive
• Shabu-shabu • Wanhua District
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