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Restaurants near Taipei metro - Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall Station

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A photo of 農人餐桌 親子餐廳 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Organic • Zhongzheng District
【預約時的注意事項】?餐廳營業時間:週一至週五11:00-15:00、17:00-20:30週末(例假日)11:00-16:00、17:00-20:30?本餐廳接受當日起30日內的線上訂位。⌚用餐時間從訂位時間起的2個小時計算。?座位皆保留十分鐘,遲到座位會 先給現場候位客人哦。?用餐座位依餐廳現場安排,恕不指定座位。☎網路訂位提供人數7位以內預訂,總人數包含小孩喔 ☆7位以上訂位,須來電訂位,可能會分2桌鄰近之座位,敬請見諒。?若您的小朋友還未能使用兒童椅,需自帶推車進餐廳,訂位時仍需算人頭,並可於備註說明。?餐廳無配合停車場,可參考鄰近停車場,步行約3-5分鐘。【低消】?最低消費 :滿2歲以上每人1份主餐或消費滿250元,為個人低消,不合併計算。?若有對食物過敏或素食者,可於訂位時備註哦。?‍?‍?‍?開始訂位吧?
A photo of 戲台酒館 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Bistro • Zhongzheng District
Booked 1 time today
**營業時間**▍週日至週四 12:00-22:00 ▍週五及週六 12:00-23:00 **訂位時段**▍午餐  12:00-14:30 (最後點餐 13:30)▍下午茶 14:30-17:00 (最後點餐 16:30)▍晚餐(日-四) 17:30-22:00 (最後點餐 21:00)▍晚餐(五-六) 17:30-23:00 (最後點餐 21:00)▍三、四、日現場爵士演奏 19:00-21:00▍五、六現場爵士演奏 20:00-22:00**訂位須知**▍12/20、12/21、12/25 晚餐僅提供節日限定套餐▍用餐限時 120分鐘▍低消.午餐、晚餐時段 **$500/人**.下午茶時段 **每人一杯飲品**▍本餐廳禁帶外食,自帶酒酌收開瓶費**.紅、白、氣泡酒,$500/瓶 (開一抵一).烈酒,$1000/瓶 (開二抵一)**▍下午茶時段***供應飲品及甜點,甜點品項依現場供應為主。***▍每週五&六 20:00-22:00爵士現場演奏***若線上預訂要參加爵士之夜,開放訂位時間為19:30,務必在訂位備註告知,以利安排座位。***▍本餐廳接受一個月內線上訂位。▍為確保其他客人用餐權益及避免浪費事先為您預備之食材,若需取消或更改訂位,請提前告知。▍訂位保留15分鐘,逾時將視場狀況重新安排座位。
A photo of 樂埔薈所 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Contemporary Asian • Zhongzheng District
【樂埔薈所】前身為日治時期的臺北刑務所官舍,具有重要的歷史意義。現由行政主廚-王正岳 Josh Wang 領軍,行政主廚王正岳善於將食材解構、重組、顛覆,迸發全新的食感與想像,以永續經營及在地元素的基礎上,每一道菜都各有不同的料理手法和故事,除了展現出主廚精湛的搭配手法外,也凸顯出在地食材的鮮美。營業時間 週二至週六 / 每週一、日公休午餐 11:30-14:30 晚餐 18:00-22:00 ❖午餐 (週二至週五) 7道式套餐,每位$1,680+10% 起❖晚餐、週六全日、國定假日及連續假期 10道式套餐,每位$2,580+10% 起請利用inline網路預約,或email至信箱,將由專人為您處理**因未提供專人24小時接聽電話,如忙線中或無法接聽來電而讓您等待,敬請見諒。**信箱: ❖【包場低消/場地租借】午餐 $32,000晚餐 $45,000請email至信箱,將由專人為您處理因未提供專人24小時接聽電話,如忙線中或無法接聽來電而讓您等待,敬請見諒。信箱: ### 訂位須知:1. 本店採預約制,接受2人以上訂位,請至少於1天前預約方能準備食材,私人包場可容納10-14席,包場低消可折抵餐費及酒水,且須於期限內完成信用卡綁定,訂位方成立。請提前發信或網路訂位,恕不接受當日訂位。3. 午餐12:00-14:30,11:30準時開門;訂位時間目前僅提供12:00一個時段,並於12:00開始用餐,逾時我們將視此訂位視為臨時取消,建議用餐時間約1.5~2小時。3. 晚餐18:30-21:30,18:00準時開門;訂位時間目前僅提供18:30一個時段,並於18:30開始用餐,逾時我們將視此訂位視為臨時取消,建議用餐時間約2~2.5小時。4. 於用餐日期72小時內臨時取消以及當天無故缺席或改日期者,將會收取每人 $1,000 元食材處理費。(除遇颱風、地震或其他嚴重天災等不可抗力因素除外)### 用餐須知:1. 餐點無提供素食、無奶製品及無海鮮,若本身有其他飲食禁忌,請於訂位時事先告知餐廳(或訂位備註),我們將請主廚另外準備其他替換食材,如未提供的飲食禁忌,現場提出恕無法為您更換任何菜色。2. 如用餐人數當天無特別通知卻臨時減少或是逾時未到,因食材為當天新鮮準備為避免耗損,將會扣取您的訂金$1,000/人當食材損失費。3. 恕不接待12歲以下幼童,也無提供兒童餐點及兒童椅,12歲以上孩童需視同大人低消,謝謝您的配合。4. 為顧及食物品質恕無提供打包及外帶服務。5. 因套餐甜點道數較多,故無提供生日慶生甜點之服務。### 開瓶費及清潔費相關:1. 自帶酒款需酌收開瓶費$1,000元/每瓶,或可選擇開一瓶抵一瓶。2. 如自備蛋糕需酌收清潔費$500元/每顆。3. 如需場地佈置,垃圾須自行處理並帶走,需要我們幫您後續處理,我們將酌收清潔費用$1,000。### 感謝您以寶貴的時間閱讀及理解我們的規定,我們衷心期待您會喜歡及享受樂埔薈所的美食與服務!
A photo of 無意義wee hours台義餐酒館 restaurant
Price: Expensive
• Bistro • Zhongzheng District
Coming Soon!
A photo of 香色 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Bistro • Zhongzheng District
Xiang SeOur house is open for you{ 2024 –Autumn&Winter Menu}・Seasonal Dinner sets are NT3,390元+10%。 per person. ・Xunday Lunch sets are NT$NT2,390+ 10%。・Please note that no vegan/ ovo-lacto vegetarian /gluten-free/ dairy-free or any other customized sets are served.・Please let us know at least 3 days in advance if you have any food allergies, pregnant or special dietary requirements.|Reservation policies|1. Reservations can be made 1 month in advance via our online booking system or phone call. After you receive the confirmation email/ SMS, the reservation will thus be successfully made. If a cancellation or rebooking is required, please let us know at least 2 days in advance.2. Please make a reservation via email or telephone between 12:30-17:00 Tuesday to Sunday.3. For In-line online booking system, only acceptable for 1 to 5 persons reservation. If you would like to make a reservation for more than 6 persons, please contact us through phone call.4. Children under 9 years old as well as pets are not allowed in the restaurant.5. Cancellations or changes to the reservation are possible 48 hours prior to the reserved arrival time. However, if you don’t show up, without previously cancelling your reservation, you will be charged a NT$1,500 per person no-show fee.6. For confirmed reservation, table will only be held for 10 minutes from the time of your reservation. After which time the reservation will be cancelled and the table will be allocated to another customer. |Cancellation and re-booking|Please inform us at least two days in advance for a cancellation or a re-booking, contacting us via calling 02-23581819, or e-mailing: xsopenhouse@gmail.com.We don’t accept the number of guests being changed after the reservation is made. Thank you for your understanding. |Terms & Conditions|1.Please note that no vegan/ gluten-free/ dairy-free or any other customized sets are served.2.Please inform us in 3 days advance if you have any food allergies, specific dietary requirements or pregnant. Unfortunately we cannot cater to your requests if you inform us on the day of reservation. 3.For presenting you the best quality of each dish, the dishes will be served after every guest with you is seated. 4.There are opt for outdoor seating areas and indoor seating areas.5.No outside food or drink is allowed. A cakeage fee of NT$300 per cake will be charged if you bring your own cake inside the restaurant. 6.A corkage fee of NT$500 will be charged for wine, and NT$ 800 will be charged for liquor. 7.For maintaining your dining experience, no flash photography is allowed in the dining area. 8.Xiang Se have the final decision-making authority for any other filming or photography session.9.Please don’t bring large decorations, bouquets or balloons inside the restaurant.Please note that, should any condition or force majeure be in place at the time of your visit, our service may also be affected or reduced. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
A photo of 游壽司 麗水店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Japanese • Da'an District
Booked 2 times today
{ 游壽司-訂位公告 }🔺用餐方式(只有吧台)握壽司定食$520散壽司定食$580綜合定食$540晚上配菜(Omakase)平均價位$3,000上下(當天搭配的食材計價)本店酌收10%服務費*訂位保留10分鐘*遲到視同取消*本餐廳以生食為主*如有小朋友請在留言處告知幾歲*不收美國運通卡*只接受三周內的訂位*每週一固定公休*自帶酒水收洗杯費$50/杯子(可抵店內酒水)*中午用餐以 [午餐定食] 爲主 如需調整 [配菜Omakase] 的用餐方式 或10人以上及包場 請透過電話☎️02-2391-9298 於營業日10:00-15:30/17:00-21:30之間來電詢問 上述狀況,不接受網路訂位,敬請見諒*由於座位及食材已提前為您 保留及安排如有任何異動,請提前來電通知*訂位成功後,您將收到”簡訊通知” 訂位前1天會再次收到簡訊 簡訊內附連結,請點選連結,確認訂位或取消訂位 沒有回覆,訂位將會自動取消🔺取消費用的產生🟢1人以上(包含1人)未出席用餐當天聯繫不到,也未來電取消將收取消費-午餐定食-$600/人-配菜(Omakase)-$3000/人🟢6人以上(包含6人)🔸須於用餐日前3天取消用餐日前1天取消,將收取消費-午餐定食-$300/人-配菜(Omakase)-$1500/人🔸用餐日取消,將收取消費-午餐定食-$600/人-配菜(Omakase)-$3000/人🟢包場🔸須於用餐日前3天取消用餐日前1天取消,將收取消費-午餐定食-$300/人-配菜(Omakase)-$1500/人🔸用餐日取消,將收取消費-午餐定食-$600/人-配菜(Omakase)-$3000/人*如您是透過網路訂位 有任何問題 請撥電話到店內更改 避免「取消費用」的產生
A photo of 富宴精緻粵菜港式飲茶 新光三越台北站前店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Chinese • Zhongzheng District
Booked 2 times today
A photo of Le Palais restaurant
Price: Very Expensive
• Chinese • Datong District
We will adjust our opening time since 1st June 2024. -2024 Opening Time- 【Lunch】:12:00~14:30 【Dinner】:18:00~21:30Closed on every Monday.⚠️ 【Booking Reminders】1. Seat reservations for the next month are available at 12:00 AM on the 1st day of the current month. (i.e. November 1st for the month of December, December 1st for the month of January.)2. When booking for a seat reservation, guests will be required to provide their credit card information as a guarantee. If the reservation is cancelled within 48 hours before the reserved schedule, a NON-refundable cancellation fee of 500NT per person will be charged.3. We do not offer window views for these reservations. Seats are based on the on-site arrangement for the day. For reservation more than 5 people, please contact us +8862-2181-9985 and +8862-2181-9986 (Service Time 10:00 - 20:00)4. Pre-order dishes are available in limited quantities. If you need to pre-order, please contact the service staff as soon as possible.? [Restaurant Dress Code]The restaurant reserves the right to refuse guests who do not meet the clothing requirements to dine in.1. Ladies are not allowed to wear slippers.2. Gentlemen and young men over the age of 8 are required to wear long trousers and close-toe shoes. Sandals, slippers, shorts, and vests are not allowed.? [Conduct Inside the Restaurant]In order to maintain a quiet, comfortable, and sanitary dining environment, please note the following:1. Be mindful of your fellow patrons while dining and keep your volume to a minimum.2. We respectfully ask parents and guardians to remind their children to refrain from being rowdy so as not to disturb other guests.3. Pets are not allowed inside the restaurant with the exception of guide dogs.4. According to the law of "Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act", smoking is prohibited in all indoor public areas. Including e-cigarette and cigar.? [Beverage Service Fees]The restaurant charges a corkage fee for the guests who bring their own alcohol. The fees are as follows:1.Red and white wine NT$1200/bottle (750ml)2.Spirits NT$2000/bottle (1000ml)If you need additional glass, it will be charged at an additional NT$100/a wineglass.? [Celebrations]If you are celebrating a birthday, please let us know in advance so we can serve you a birthday peach bun.? 【Other matters needing attention】1. All prices mentioned above are in New Taiwan Dollars, exclusive of a 10% service charge.2. The restaurant has formulated the above instructions in order to provide guests with a quality dining experience and to allow our employees to serve you better. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
A photo of 辛殿麻辣鍋 Xin Dian Hotpot 公館店 Gongguan restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Shabu-shabu • Zhongzheng District
Booked 15 times today
⏰ 門市營業時間AM 11:30 ~ AM 01:30 最後入場為PM23:30,中場時段無休息。?門市資訊松江店|台北市中山區松江路129-4號02-25037667信義店|台北市信義區松壽路28號02-27227667公館店|中正區羅斯福路三段316巷9弄1號02-77337667?消費方式平日午餐 | 供應時段 AM11:30-PM15:30成人 $698 +10% 服務費 兒童 $349 +10% 服務費 ( 身高 110cm -140cm )幼兒 $100 +10% 服務費 ( 身高 90cm - 110cm )*午餐時段無供應牛小排 平日晚餐 | PM16:00-AM1:30 假日全天 | AM11:30~AM1:30成人$798 +10% 服務費兒童$399+10% 服務費( 身高 110cm -140cm )幼兒 $100 +10% 服務費 ( 身高 90cm - 110cm )全時段用餐時間限定 2 小時。?訂位須知1、本店設有低消限制平日 PM18:00- PM20:00 低消需達 4 位大人。假日 AM11:30-12:00、PM18:00-20:00 低消需達 4 位大人。2、最低用餐人數需達 2 位以上。3、預約人數超過 8 位以上請電洽門市預約。4、若有特殊定位需求請於一個月前電話訂位(如:超過20位以上、包場)。5、訂位無保留時間,請準時至現場報到以免影響用餐權益。6、恕不接受指定座位,若有幼童、孕婦、年長者、行動不便者,如有特殊座位需求請電洽門市預約。7、本店沒有收開瓶費,可自備酒水用餐 。8、因不可抗拒之因素或意外,餐廳將保留取消或更改預約的權利。?候位須知現場候位:每天中午11:30開始開放登記,依現場或電話登記為主,需有預訂客人取消才能遞補,依序喊號若無補上不會電話通知。
A photo of 金色三麥 京站店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• American • Datong District
Booked 1 time today
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