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A Specialty Restaurant of 4 Famous Japanese Hotpots.Daily Hotpot Cuisine for Foodies with Delicious, Reliable, and Safe Ingredients. Kurogeya specializes in providing 4 Famous hotpots from Japan, which are Shabu-Shabu, Sukiyaki, Mizutaki, and Motsunabe. High-cost performance, customized combination, and quick service are 3 main features of Kurogeya.As a specialty restaurant providing daily delicacy for foodies, most cuisines are less than $1,000. Customers can easily enjoy Japanese Wagyu starting at $680 and Iberico Pork at $580.
Booked 2 times today
*Business Hours* Sunday-Thursday | Friday-Saturday 17:00~00:00 | 17:00~01:00 Last seating at 22:00 | Last seating at 23:00 Last order at 23:00 | Last order at 24:00 ?Dining time is 90 minutes, starting from the reservation time. Seats will be held for 15 minutes; if we are unable to reach you after this time, the reservation will be considered canceled, and the deposit will be forfeited. *Reservation Policy* 1. Bar seating reservations open 30 days in advance, while private rooms open 60 days in advance. Reservations are open at 2pm. 2. A deposit of NT$1,000 per person is required for reservations, and the reservation will be confirmed only after payment is completed within the specified time frame. 3. The minimum spend per person is NT$3,000, and for children, it is NT$1,500 (regardless of age, as long as they occupy a seat). ?For groups of 7 or more, the minimum spend per person is NT$4,000.? The minimum spend does not include beverages or service fees.4. Corkage fee: You can bring one bottle of your own for each bottle purchased at the restaurant. NT$800 for each 720ml bottle and NT$1,600 for each 1.8L bottle. (Charges are based on size, not type of alcohol.)*Seating Arrangements* We are a bar-style yakiniku restaurant with a 6-person table and two private rooms for 8 people. *6-Person Table Reservation* (Open Seating) Deposit: NT$6,000, Minimum spend: NT$24,000 (Beverages and service fees not included) Dining time is 2 hours.*8-Person Private Room Reservation* (Two rooms available) Deposit: NT$8,000, Minimum spend: NT$40,000 Water service fee: NT$960 (Beverages and service fees not included) Available time slots: 17:00-19:00 19:30-21:30 Dining time is 2 hours.*12-Person Large Private Room Reservation* Deposit: NT$12,000, Minimum spend: NT$90,000 Water service fee: NT$1,440 (Beverages and service fees not included) No time limit for dining.※Once the private room deposit is paid, rescheduling or cancellation is not allowed.※⚠⚠For larger groups or exclusive bookings, please message us on Facebook or call 02-2711-0179.⚠⚠ ?Canceling a Reservation? Same-day changes to reservations are not allowed. To cancel a reservation, please contact us at least 3 days before the reservation date (not including the reservation day) for a full refund of the deposit. If canceled within 3 days, only half of the deposit will be refunded. No refund for cancellations on the day of the reservation.For example: If the reservation is for 12/10 Cancel before 12/6 for a 100% refund of the deposit. Cancel between 12/7 and 12/9 for a 50% refund. No refund if canceled on 12/10.Da-Wan reserves the right to cancel or change reservations in case of unavoidable circumstances♦You are welcome to bring your own cake, and we can assist with birthday celebrations after the meal.♦ ⛔Please read and agree to the above policies before completing your reservation
Booked 1 time today
歡迎您使用漢來海港線上訂位/候位系統!!?2025農曆春節連假訂位須知?※除夕晚餐兩輪時段 ▸ 各分店僅開放現場與電話訂位。※春節(含除夕)每餐期時段開放現場預訂150名,訂完截止。※訂金收費標準:1~9人1,000元、10~19人2000元、20~29人3,000元、30~49人5,000元、50~100人10,000元[注意事項詳見官網春節公告](、12/22、12/28、12/29、12/31 晚餐時段分A、B兩場次,用餐時間為120分鐘;午餐、下午餐用餐時間正常供應。◆晚餐 第一輪(A)17:00-19:00、第二輪(B)19:30-21:30【線上訂位需知】1.如遇線上訂位額滿,建議您〈現場候位〉,等候時間視當日現場狀況而定。2.當日需至現場櫃枱辦理報到,依序排隊入場,敬請見諒。3.因桌次有限,訂位後將依現場狀況排桌入席,恕無法指定座位。4.本餐廳最大座位數為8人桌,若訂位人數超過5人(含)需分桌。5.訂位人數為1人時將依現場狀況安排個人座位或併桌。6.如遇特殊節日(農曆春節、母親節.等),將視訂位狀況收取訂金,餐廳將有專人致電與您聯繫訂金事宜,謝謝!!7.開車前往用餐的來賓還請注意預留充足時間。【消 費方式】1.本餐廳需另加收10%服務費。2.訂位保留10分鐘,逾時座位將取消不再另行通知。3.餐廳禁帶外食,敬請配合,謝謝!!4.請勿攜帶寵物入內(導盲犬除外,需事先告知),不便之處敬請見諒!
Booked 3 times today
A Specialty Restaurant of 4 Famous Japanese Hotpots.Daily Hotpot Cuisine for Foodies with Delicious, Reliable, and Safe Ingredients. Kurogeya specializes in providing 4 Famous hotpots from Japan, which are Shabu-Shabu, Sukiyaki, Mizutaki, and Motsunabe. High-cost performance, customized combination, and quick service are 3 main features of Kurogeya.As a specialty restaurant providing daily delicacy for foodies, most cuisines are less than $1,000. Customers can easily enjoy Japanese Wagyu starting at $680 and Iberico Pork at $580.
Booked 13 times today
1.Please fill in desired dining period or number of people for reservation (a confirmation notification will be sent via SMS after reservation is completed).2.Reservations for the day and within the next month are available.The maximum number of people for reservation is 8 (reservations number of people over 8 must be made through phone calls).3.Please make a note if children’s highchairs or children’s dining ware are required.4.If you have made a reservation successfully but need to alter the number of people, please cancel the original reservation directly in the system and make a new reservation in the system.5.If the number of people needs to be changed on the dining day, please attempt to make a new reservation or call to inquire in order to ensure whether or not the reservation has already been altered; suitable seats may not be arranged on-site if we are not informed in advance of the change in the number of people.6.If the desired dining period or number of people for reservation cannot be selected, it means that the period is already fully booked, please choose other dining periods.7.Reservations for Roast Peking Duck from Chiu Yuet Fong must be made 3 days in advance.“Hot Pot/Japanese Cuisine/Sushi” section is available at Haruyama Japanese Cuisine, please enter the text at the text note in the back.8.Any dietary restrictions can be noted and revised via the online reservation system 5 days prior to the reservation day (not including the reserved date)**Deposite Policy:**For reservations that has 15 or more people, a NT$500/person deposit is required. The deposit will be fully refundable if cancellation is made 7 days prior to the reservation day (not including the reserved date).
【訂位須知】-Impromptu by Paul Lee提供主廚即興無菜單料理$NT3980/位,酒水及服務費另計,為呈現當季菜單最完整風味,食材僅針對過敏源或宗教信仰飲食需求進行菜色更換,敬請尊重主廚原創精神,恕不接受喜好調整。-餐廳每月一號透過電話及E-mail,開放兩個月後訂位(8/1開放至10/31前的訂位,9/1開放至11/30前的訂位),In-line訂位開放一個月內訂位(8/1開放至8/30)。-食材必須提前準備,恕不接受現場臨時增加人數,若有任何變更,請提前與餐廳聯繫。-訂位成功系統將寄送通知簡訊,請於三天內完成綁定信用卡,綁定成功不會扣款僅作為訂位保證,超過三天未完成綁定,餐廳將有權取消預訂。-訂位取消或更改日期請於訂位日八天前告知,如在七天內取消,餐廳將收取消費為訂位人數之當季套餐價格(不含服務費)。-餐廳僅供應晚餐時段,每週一公休,營業日14:00-17:00接受電話預訂。-餐廳為開放式廚房,客席設有板前及桌子座位,系統將隨機安排空位,恕不接待六歲以下孩童,若有年長者或特殊座位要求,請主動與我們聯繫告知。-為確保用餐品質與體驗,餐廳待賓客到齊後開始準備餐點,敬請準時入席,遲到入場將會影響用餐節奏。-用餐時間為2個半小時至3個小時,請預留充分時間享用餐點。【用餐注意事項】-用餐服裝請參考:女士:避免人字拖鞋男士:避免拖鞋及露趾涼鞋-餐廳空間有限,恕不接待寵物入場。-生日及週年慶祝活動,請於訂位三天前告知。【自備酒水注意事項】自備葡萄酒每瓶(750ml)酒水服務費$NT500,1.5L葡萄酒或1L烈酒每瓶酒水服務費$NT1000。-為提供最好的用餐體驗,請詳閱上述訂位說明,謝謝您的配合與體諒並期待與您相見。-如有其他問題,歡迎透過或電話與我們聯繫。
Booked 1 time today
*菜單:單點:NT1500/人鳥哲套餐NT$1680 /人 皆需另加水資:NT$100元+10%服務費(訂位需選擇消費模式,並備註忌口食材,未選擇者皆以單點為主,同桌消費模式皆為同一種,謝謝)需要事先預訂餐點:綜合雞肉刺身 NT280元營業時間:週二~週日18:00 ~ 23:00(餐點最後點餐時間22:30 )公休日:每週一聯絡電話:02-2831-0166地址:台北市士林區福華路128巷12號1樓(鄰近淡水線芝山捷運站)《預約方式》•inline線上訂位系統預約,無法指定座位,敬請見諒。•訂位人數如超過8位麻煩致電與我們聯繫。•如需更改日期人數請於三日前與我們聯繫。《預約須知》•因餐廳空間有限,恕不提供臨時加位,以保障用餐品質及其他客人權益,如需更改訂位人數,煩請提早告知。•小店提供各式酒類選擇,如自帶酒水會酌收開瓶費(清酒紅白酒800/支、烈酒1000/支)。•選用新鮮之食材,如遇商品售完或是進貨不足時,請見諒。《用餐需知》感謝您耐心的閱讀,期待您的光臨
Booked 2 times today
來自韓國廚神白種元老師的品牌-本家,呈現正統韓國菜餚是本家的使命。我們致力於提供最好的韓國飲食文化體驗,將一貫保持呈現「美味、正宗、親切以及健康飲食」的理念,期待您的蒞臨用餐。※訂位規則:1. 開放30天內的訂位預約。2. 訂位保留時間為10分鐘,逾期即【自動取消】,由現場候位貴賓直接遞補。3. 席數全數開放線上訂位, 若平台顯示灰色即客滿 ,若有貴賓臨時取消,歡迎臨櫃詢問登記候位。4. 用餐時間為訂位時間起算110分鐘。5. 無提供全程桌邊烤肉,如需要烤肉教學,服務人員會立即熱情協助。6. 提供獨立包廂,最多入座12位貴賓,低消為15000元不含服務費。(如需要請至臉書粉絲專頁訊息)7. 無提供電話客服訂位服務,來電會由系統發送訂位簡訊連結,如有其他需求請至臉書粉絲專頁聯繫,會有專人回覆。